Gulkand (Rose petal Jam)
It is a Persian and Arabic word which breaks down to Gul (rose) and Kand (sweet). In Turkish it is known as Gul Receli. Traditionally, Gulkand has been prepared with Damascus roses and Rosa Centifolia. The other common types of roses used include Japanese rose, French rose, China rose, and Cabbage rose. From our traditional Gulkand Laddo, Barfi, Katli to Gulkand stuffed Gujjia and Modak, gulkand has become a proud member of the Indian tasty kitchen items.

- Gulkand has been traditionally used for the treatment of skin constipation during pregnancy, acidity, gastritis, ulcer, indigestion, acne, foul body odor, palpitation, hypertension, nosebleed, and stress.
- Gulkand helps to remove toxins from the body and purifies blood. Thus prevent the occurrence of various skin problems.
- Gulkand is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and a very good rejuvenator. One teaspoon Gulkand with a glass of milk can taken daily for relax good night sleep. It is alleviating all heat related problems like tiredness, lethargy, itching, aches and pains.
- Being a natural coolant, Gulkand is a great food item to be consumed when in hot areas. It provides relief for burning sensation on palms and soles. Even during summers, consumption of Gulkand is beneficial to keep the body cool.
- It is believed that Gulkand relives from heavy menstrual bleeding, white discharge and other menstrual disorders in women.
Gulkand Preparation Method:
Step 1:
Take 1 kg petals of Damascus roses, wash it with filtered water and let it dry for 1-2 hours under shaded sunlight.

Step 2:
Gently crush the rose petals through hand palm and place a layer of it in a 2-3 liter clean and dry glass jar. Put a layer of tablespoon natural honey on it. Place another layer of crushed rose petal and honey in the jar. For better taste and texture, place 7-8 layer of each only.

Step: 3
Put the tight lid on Jar and keep the mixture jar under direct sun light for 30 - 45 days. Stir the complete mixture after 6-8 days and repeat the same in every 2-3 days afterward. Your Honey based Gulkand will be ready for eat once the color goes dark brown.